Although we did, indeed, cross over various pioneer trails west, neither Collin nor I came down with dysentery, and we never had to caulk my car to ford any rivers. Unfortunately, neither did we have to hunt for our meals, which rendered my carload of ammunition pretty much useless.
Just kidding. I totally ate bison meat on this trip.
Alright, no more Oregon Trail jokes. The theme of our trip from ABQ to the YYC was: Fire. More accurately: FIRE!!!!
Here is the hotel we stayed at in Cheyenne, WY. It had a serious fire three years ago, and never really rebuilt.
After driving all day, you can probably imagine my alarm at seeing that we had made reservations to stay in an abandoned hotel. Yes, those are security fences erected around it. On the upside, it gave me great ideas for a zombie setting for a story. And actually the inside of our room was pretty nice.
Next, more smoke! Everything from Colorado Springs to Bozeman was on fire, so this was our impression of Wyoming and southern Montana:
Actually, as we passed through the country where Custer and the 7th Calvary met their gruesome end, we saw dark smoke billowing from a bluff above us. It was the 3rd of July, and I figured it was safe to blame it on fireworks, but who knows?
July 4th, we crossed the US/Canadian border. I was promptly nearly run over by a camper driven by a pair of Floridians on their way to Alaska, but they kindly made up for it by agreeing to take our Victory picture:
And here's one more of Collin and Bruce The Car:
Next up: Belated Photos: The 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede!
Just kidding. I totally ate bison meat on this trip.
Alright, no more Oregon Trail jokes. The theme of our trip from ABQ to the YYC was: Fire. More accurately: FIRE!!!!
Here is the hotel we stayed at in Cheyenne, WY. It had a serious fire three years ago, and never really rebuilt.
After driving all day, you can probably imagine my alarm at seeing that we had made reservations to stay in an abandoned hotel. Yes, those are security fences erected around it. On the upside, it gave me great ideas for a zombie setting for a story. And actually the inside of our room was pretty nice.
Next, more smoke! Everything from Colorado Springs to Bozeman was on fire, so this was our impression of Wyoming and southern Montana:
Actually, as we passed through the country where Custer and the 7th Calvary met their gruesome end, we saw dark smoke billowing from a bluff above us. It was the 3rd of July, and I figured it was safe to blame it on fireworks, but who knows?
July 4th, we crossed the US/Canadian border. I was promptly nearly run over by a camper driven by a pair of Floridians on their way to Alaska, but they kindly made up for it by agreeing to take our Victory picture:
And here's one more of Collin and Bruce The Car:
Next up: Belated Photos: The 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede!
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