Calgary Comic Expo in a nutshell: it was worth every hour, and every penny to do the World of Warcraft NPC cosplay.
Out of the nutshell: We had a blast. We went on Sunday and so (I discovered later) missed some of the more noteworthy costumes and panels, and Wil Wheaton giving Calgary Expo attendees another emotional Expo experience when he explained why it's so awesome being a nerd. However, I regret nothing. The lines were very long to get into those events - I spoke with one woman when we first got into the building at about 10:45, and she had to rush away to go stand in a line. That line, she explained, was a line that would let her stand in another line that would let her into a room to see Nathan Fillion - at noon. That seemed like a silly way to spend a day.
We didn't completely escape the lines, though. After getting our badges, we were led to a series of zig-zagging lines for about half an hour. These were fun because they let us get a good look at each other's costumes as we passed each other again, and again, and again. It also us the chance to make a big yellow sign that said, 'No, seriously: ask us about our quests!'. Bill thought the enormous yellow exclamation marks wouldn't be enough to get people to actually talk to us. He was probably right.
Once inside, Collin had to dash (as much as a six-foot man in a long purple robe and wizard hat can dash) off to a panel with the LoadingReadyRun guys, leaving Rebecca, Bill, and I to sort out the last minute details of our quest giving. Bill knows some fabulous people at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory and The Sentry Box who were game for holding onto some quest components for us.
As soon as we'd given the cocktail swords (for the Sentry Box, of course) and Gummy Bears (the gelatinous interlopers at the Observatory), we taped our exclamation marks to our backs and headed out. Almost immediately, we had people asking us for quests. Some people just came up to say, "Right on! NPCs! Great costumes!" and then got SUPER excited when we said, "Yes, and would you like a quest? You look brave," and handed them a scroll.
One of the best moments was when a group of four or five teenagers came running - running - across the crowded convention floor when they saw our exclamation marks and asked for a scroll. When I suggested they make their "slaying" convincing, they earnestly reassured me that they were in the drama club and would have no problem with that.
When they returned (running, of course), they crouched down on one knee and presented their trophies - gummy bears skewered on plastic cocktail swords. It was amazing.
It was really cool doing something that made so many people at the Comic Expo - a gathering with a far higher level of per capita enthusiasm than anywhere else - so excited. People wanted to have their picture taken with us (although that's pretty standard for comic conventions, I think), and we were even interviewed by a local radio program (none of us could remember which radio station, though).
Aside from the quest-giving, I had a lot of fun looking at the work of incredibly talented artists while there. Just looking, though. Neither Collin nor I had remembered to get cash before we got to the Expo. I also saw Sylvester McCoy and really wanted an autograph, but those cost $30 - and we had no money. Boo. Eventually, Bill and Collin left to play in a board game tournament (coming in 1st and 2nd, respectively. Collin brought home a $50 prize), and Rebecca and I decided to head home. We've already planned to do this again, next year, if Collin and I are still here next April. If not, we may have to make a pilgrimage. :)
To close out this incredibly nerdy update, here is a pic of graffiti left in our neighborhood last Saturday by an enthusiastic Star Wars fan :
With the awesome weather outside, I've got some interesting trips planned and will try to keep this blog more regularly updated. Until then: live long, and prosper.
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This was on a scroll handed out to anyone willing to play. |
Once inside, Collin had to dash (as much as a six-foot man in a long purple robe and wizard hat can dash) off to a panel with the LoadingReadyRun guys, leaving Rebecca, Bill, and I to sort out the last minute details of our quest giving. Bill knows some fabulous people at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory and The Sentry Box who were game for holding onto some quest components for us.
Sadly, the boys had already left to go win a board game tournament by the time I occurred to me to take a picture, so this is just Rebecca and I. |
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One of the quest rewards - the epic Saccharine Sash |
When they returned (running, of course), they crouched down on one knee and presented their trophies - gummy bears skewered on plastic cocktail swords. It was amazing.
It was really cool doing something that made so many people at the Comic Expo - a gathering with a far higher level of per capita enthusiasm than anywhere else - so excited. People wanted to have their picture taken with us (although that's pretty standard for comic conventions, I think), and we were even interviewed by a local radio program (none of us could remember which radio station, though).
Aside from the quest-giving, I had a lot of fun looking at the work of incredibly talented artists while there. Just looking, though. Neither Collin nor I had remembered to get cash before we got to the Expo. I also saw Sylvester McCoy and really wanted an autograph, but those cost $30 - and we had no money. Boo. Eventually, Bill and Collin left to play in a board game tournament (coming in 1st and 2nd, respectively. Collin brought home a $50 prize), and Rebecca and I decided to head home. We've already planned to do this again, next year, if Collin and I are still here next April. If not, we may have to make a pilgrimage. :)
To close out this incredibly nerdy update, here is a pic of graffiti left in our neighborhood last Saturday by an enthusiastic Star Wars fan :
With the awesome weather outside, I've got some interesting trips planned and will try to keep this blog more regularly updated. Until then: live long, and prosper.
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